Friday, June 12, 2009

No Awesome Title

So I am majorly addicted to twitter now. That's all I think about 24/7. I tell everyone goodnight before I go to bed and let everyone know when I wake up in the morning. It's a bit ridiculous though because I only know about 5 or 6 people who are following me. The others are complete strangers or people I only know from online. Some of them are really cool while others are well... different, ha ha. I have been trying to win an iPhone all day from by typing "#Squarespace" in all my tweets. But no luck so far.

The new iPhone looks awesome! I really want it but it's to expensive for me to go buy for myself. I already have the iPod touch so I'm ok for now.

My bunny Bella is acting really weird today and it's making me worried. She is very sluggish and sleepy. I went up to her cage earlier to see her and she just sat there and wouldn't come running up to the cage door to see me like usual. Hopefully she is just tired and will feel better tomorrow. I was planning on taking her to the vet soon anyway to get her (don't tell bella) spayed. She is getting very aggressive and actually bit me really hard and made me bleed. She is very territorial now. I'm hoping I can find a good vet who is kind and affordable. Unfortunately there are only a handful of specially trained rabbit vets.

School is still difficult. I won't be online much for the next two weeks as I finish up my online BCIS class for college and volunteer at two churches for their vacation bible schools. I will be in charge of video and technical stuff for the first VBS so that will be hard on me. Plus I have an exam and 3 quizzes to do next week after spending all day at church running around. Hopefully I can manage my crazy schedule. I will be EXHAUSTED at the end of it. The second VBS you can find me in the nursery being drooled on and covered in baby spew. Not glamorous but it pays off. The babies are incredibly cute. But they aren't that cute after 4 hours of care. Especially for 5 days.

Anyway, that's all I have time for for now. I will update when and if I have time to do so. Right now I'm going to go tweet some more and talk to cool people while I try to relax and prepare for next week.

Good luck to all with your endeavors.

AJ Spindle

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Youtube and School

My fish is slowly dying. I've had him/her (I never thought it was polite to ask!) for 2 years now. He (I will call it a "him" for simplicity's sake) has a wound on his stomach and on his back. He is a plocostomus fish, or sucker fish as I call it. He's been hanging around the back of the tank for a few days now and this morning when I went to check on him, he was half way floating but still kickin'. I have two sucker fish in my 55 gallon tank and the other fish is trying to eat the sick one so I am constantly trying to tap on the glass and make him stop.

Anyway in other news, I am taking my online BCIS class and it's a lot of work. I don't have much time for anything else lately. I did get to go swimming the other day and that was nice, it was 90 degrees outside and the pool had nice shade over it. I bought a swim suit finally. I've needed a new one for a few years now. It's pink tho and I hate pink, ha ha. But it was the only one that covered my body to a modest point.

I have been working on school so much that I have not been able to write. It's kind of sad because I will think of something great to write about but then I will forget it by the time I sit down to write it. I am making more youtube video's tho. I have started a new channel called Daily Dose of Cullen for all my twilight related news. I want to find some people to help me with that channel one day. Then we could post a new video everyday. I have about 52 subscribers right now on my main channel: Sibi098 and that's going along great. I have a green screen that I'm learning to use and also some new software.

I am reading "A Far Sweet Thing" by Libba Bray and while I lost interest in it during the middle of the book, I slowly sank back into the story later on. I'm almost done with it and I am quite surprised by some of the events that take place.

This is all I have time to write about for now because my school work is calling me, and so is my cup of coffee waiting to be poured. I will write again later when I have more time, or more interesting things to write about.